City Tower Casino
City Tower Casino

City Tower Moneybookers

City Tower Casino lets players use a wide array of payment methods each suitable to the specific needs of each and every player. One of the most recommended City Tower Payment Methods is City Tower Moneybookers which operates in the same manner as
City Tower Neteller and City Tower PayPal in terms of ease of use, security and the extensive effort to prevent frauds and scams from being conducted over the payment platform thus protecting City Tower Casino players from any sort of City Tower Casino Scam. City Tower Casino players can charge their Moneybookers account via a bank account, checking account or credit card allowing them to deposit funds into their City Tower Casino account safely and easily.

City Tower Skrill MoneybookersThere is a slight different with City Tower Moneybookers when compared to City Tower Neteller, City Tower PayPal or City Tower Visa and City Tower Mastercard. City Tower Moneybookers emphasizes the need to keep their operation legitimate and fraud free and aside from requiring account owner identity verification holds a 4 day processing on every transaction made via their platform. This means that depositing won’t appear instantly like in other City Tower Payment Methods but only 4 days later. This however should not be considered as a downsize since it assures the integrity of the players accounts and credits. City Tower Casino grants a 10% City Tower Casino Bonus on every deposit made via City Tower Moneybookers, so the all in all, the wait is worthwhile. Same goes for withdrawing funds from one’s account,  as a 4 day processing is required in order to make sure the withdrawal request is genuine and was made by the rightful owner of the both the casino and Moneybookers account.

Feel free to contact us if you require more information about using City Tower Moneybookers or if you have a general inquiry regarding our casino and services.

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